NEW! How will you improve your CV?

Choose the 5 phrases which you think you need to apply to your own CV, make a note of these and refer to them when you are crafting your own CV.
- By re-formatting your CV you should find more space to go into more detail.
- You need to make yourself seem more exceptional by providing more details on what you have done, what approach you personally took and why your skills would make you the ideal choice for a cabin crew career!
- Make it impossible for the recruiters to turn you down by giving them so much evidence of what a great fit you would be for cabin crew that they simply have to see you at an assessment day!
- It can be more useful to have your work experience section before ‘Education’ as this is what recruiters tend to be most interested in.
- You have some good skills but your resume isn’t doing you justice. You really haven’t spent much time on explaining who you are and what you can do. There’s a great deal you could do to improve this. The workbook will help.
- Lots of spelling mistakes and errors in your grammar
- This job needs to be nearer the top of your CV as it is more relevant and credible than some of your earlier experiences.
- Have your most recent work experience first in your employment section.
- When you make a statement about what you achieved e.g. ‘I built good working relationships’, and follow it up with ‘I did this by…’ you are on the right track!
- You need some specific examples of what you did, why you did it and how you did it to make who you are and how you do things jump off the page
- You have some good experience but it is hidden away at the end of your CV! Put your best stuff first and cut out any experiences which are weak or less relevant as they may put your audience off before they have reached your best bits.
- Go back over it and look for repetition- delete the bits you have covered more than once.
- Other people might not know what acronyms you use stand for
- Change the formatting and eliminate any repetition so your CV fits on 2 pages.
- Choose interesting experiences which should capture the recruiter’s attention- if you don’t have anything suitable then volunteer, get involved, take up a new hobby!
- Avoid industry specific terminology that your recruiters may not be familiar with, or make sure you briefly explain what it means in practice.
- Some sentences are muddled; read them out loud to hear back how it sounds. You probably wouldn’t talk the way you are writing, it would make better sense if you try to write as you would speak.
- ‘I enjoy working as a team, yet am also motivated to work alone using my own initiative’- Everyone puts this on their cv so it will be ignored, so not the best use of space.
- It can be helpful to point out what your responsibilities say about you. For instance, stating that ‘you took inventory of supplies’ focuses on the task, whereas adding that this shows that you are ‘methodical and organised’ indicate the skills which underlie this task.
- If you describe HOW you do things you are providing more information about your priorities and personal style.
- What personal/ professional skills did you show with this experience? You are leaving too much for the recruiters to guess, and they won’t be bothered unless you spell out to them what skills you have and why these would be useful to them.
- You aren’t describing who you are as a person i.e. how you do things, you are just listing tasks, which all the other CVs will do. You won’t stand out unless you make it about YOU.
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